So, everyone should have a super power, right? My Hubs said recently, at our last outdoorsy expedition, that his super power is camping. I couldn't argue with him as I was, at that very moment, having the shower of my life in that blue and green wonder of his shown above on the right. I can't get into all the technical bits of his genius (and I've yet convinced him to make up an instructable) so this ode to our camping shower is more from a very appreciative user's perspective than a "how to".
First you start with the shower floor. The genius part of this is that it fits on the floor of the back of our car, hardly taking up any room at all. (Also note that the shower-super-hero is in between kite boarding bouts here, which explains the unusual outfit ... sort of).
And when you fold up the floor, it encases this ... the magic copper coil that goes into the fire and heats the shower water.
But first, you must put up the shower curtain, which he does so with clever combinations of twine and found sticks.
The fabric is sewn from some of my Vancouver 2010 fabric. He sewed pockets into the bottom of the curtain to hold large stone; this holds the curtain steady. Important: No embarrassing exposures in gusty conditions!
Then there are a lot of magical things that happen that I will never understand mostly because I don't need to.
I can tell you that the pump runs on a battery (I think?) which is also hooked up to a portable solar panel (I believe?). Below is a shot of Hubs testing the temperature. That part is low tech.
And there you have it. Arguably the best outdoor shower in the world. And the best Hubs.