In my quest to create our own family travel journal, I've decided to make up the signatures ahead of time, lots of them (10 in total) to fill out along the way and to be bound together when we get home. Hopefully the cover will be made of something cool we find on our travels. Fingers crossed.

First I printed and trimmed all the paper, on acid free stock, for each signature. I made the lines farther apart on Spud's to accommodate his charming and larger than life printing. Each book has alternating blank pages as well — for glueing in keepsakes or for drawings. Not sure what we are going to do with the grid signature but hopefully games and mazes and other creative fun. We'll see.
I punched 4 small holes in each spine and sewed them with embroidery floss. I used a template for the holes so they should line up with other each when all is done. Should!
Spud chose yellow for his cover, his favourite colour.
Mine are magenta and Hubs' are purple.
A creatin' we will go!