Boy, things are gearing up at work so much lately; with working more and more 12-14 hour days it's getting harder and harder to find the time to hang out with my Spud. So, I took full advantage of the time I had with him this morning to do something Christmassy. We decided on continuing a little holiday tradition of ours ... hanging paper snowflakes from the top of his bedroom door. He likes to run through them. I'm also hoping they scare away Mr. Stick [his current, most-dreaded, resident monster].

1. Started with a square piece of paper and folded it in half [tissue paper is easier to use for little hands but I didn't have any handy]

2. Folded it in half again

3. Then folded it in thirds, so ...

it looked like this.

4. Trimmed off the bottom tails

And then off we went ...