Look what came in the mail: a new lunch bucket, called

Love the wee icons a lot.

The genius part about it is that each compartment seals so there's no unwanted food mingling. Yay!

It's recommended for the 5 and over set since it takes a bit of practice to open and close. Spud has practiced twice at home and twice at school and still needs a little help to get it open.

The stickers are just so much fun. Spud had the time of his life decorating his new buddy, named 'fluffy'.

They have a set for the older kids, in more muted colours and no ears. Thankfully, Spud still thinks ears are cool.
Here I've combo'd up his morning snack and lunch together. It can certainly accommodate it.

· apple slices
· dried fruit candy
· popcorn
· stroop waffle cookie
· milk
· canned peaches [note that sloppy peaches keep to themselves, without the need for a separate container]
· cheese and tomato sandwich
· red pepper squares
Unfortunately, with shipping, this beauty of a lunch bin worked out to be very expensive. Finding it in a store would likely make it more affordable.