We found this hotel, Hotel Monaco on hotwire which is great for finding last minute hotel deals. We got the room for one night for $99, saving over $100.

Our adventure began with a map from the hotel. Where's the library?

It's kitty corner to our hotel! On 4th and Spring.
View Larger Map.
Killer architecture.

Fantastic kids section. We brought our laptops and squeezed in some quality adult time using their free wireless, while the little one played with the puzzles, toys and computer games.

After a 10 block-trundle, we browsed Pike Place Market.

Watched the famous fish tossing ...
Crossed the street to watch them make cheese and bought a small tub of squeeky cheese for the road trip home.

Watched them line up out the door for freshly baked piroshkies. We'll hit that place on our next visit here for sure.

Settled on brunch at Etta's in the next block.

The kid quesadilla wasn't very cheesy but the fries were great and the platter was smartly garnished with crisp apple wedges which were a hit with Spud.

Mmm. Chipotle hollandaise benny with spinach and crab.

And a fine huevos rancheros.