18 February 2011

Apple Millet Cereal in the Slow Cooker

I was tidying our cupboards last night and thought I should use up some of our grains by making an overnight cereal in the slow cooker.

1 C. millet
1 C. brown rice, short grain
7 C. water (you can add more in the morning if it gets too thick)
1 C. apple sauce (helps to sweeten it)
2 apples, large, peeled, cored, and chopped
1/2 t. salt

Eight hours on low and it's done! If you had time to snazz it up a bit this would also be yummy with warm toasted nuts on top.

Also love how well it freezes: about one evening a week I pull one out of the freezer, in the morning I put it in a glass bowl, add a bit of water, cover it and toss it in the microwave. Once warm, I add berries if we have them, some milk, and brown sugar. Of course.