Oh, I had too much fun drawing these little paper dolls and their little wardrobes too. And I'm not ashamed to say that playing with them has been as much fun as making them.
First I printed the dolls and glued them onto an old file folder to reinforce them. Printing them on card stock would have done the trick too. Next I collected the following:
·scrap fabric
·notions, ribbon, sequins etc
·twist ties
Using twist ties, you know, the ones that you steal from the produce department, work great for tabs. First I glued the twist ties to the back of the tabs and then I glued fabric scraps on top of them. After they dried I cut them out using the guide on the front of the printout.
I can't pretend. This project was more for me than for little Spud. But in the end he got right into the colouring of the clothes.
And matching up different crazy outfits made us both laugh. He thought putting a skirt on the boy was the funniest thing that happened all day.
Here is some more of the fun we had. Now I'm considering a career change ... to fashion ... or perhaps this is a sign I've been watching too much Project Runway?
I have these pdfs available at
wee printables or just click on the "wee printables" button on the sidebar. And let me know how it goes.