I'm so excited with these little Halloween costumes I made for the paper dolls. So far I have a ghost, vampire, and super hero costume for the girl. I'm working on a robot, mummy, and skeleton costume for the boy that I will post on later. I whipped these up after Spud went to sleep tonight so I will surprise him with them tomorrow.

For the ghost, I dried out a baby wipe and clued it to the printout before cutting it out. The x-acto knife came in handy for cutting out the eyes.

For the vampire outfite, I coloured both sides of the cape tabs since they fold in the front. The little jacket over top the dress and cape does a decent job in holding it all together.

The super hero boots are just too much. I would love a pair for myself!

I have these pdfs available at wee printables. or click on the "wee printables" button on the sidebar. Happy Halloween!