1. The Tea Room at the Empress Hotel
721 Government Street, Victoria

Tea at the Empress is the real deal. It's dress up time. It's scones, finger sandwiches, and biscuits. On a 3 tiered serving tray. And tea of course. At 5 years old, we thought that Spud might be a bit young to appreciate a high tea experience. And we've done it before ourselves, on a pre-baby trip here. Everyone should do it once, I think. So we'll be back. They have afterall, gone to the trouble of offering a darling menu for the wee princes and princesses too. Check it out, it's too cute.
Seatings once a day. Reservations 250 389 2727.
There are certainly less expensive places to experience an English afternoon tea in Victoria so if the Empress is too dear for you or too stuffy ask at tourist information for some nice alternatives.
2. Miniature World
649 Humboldt Street, Victoria [in the Empress Hotel]
t 250 385 9731
I have to say I was a little skeptical of this one. But Spud really enjoyed it. With something like 80 different miniature dioramas depicting everything from outer space to medieval Europe it kept him interested for almost an hour.

It also boasts many large doll houses, one of which is among the largest in the world. And, a highlight for Spud, was the train that travels across Canada, starting in Vancouver and ending in the Maritime provinces, in the day and the night.

3. Rogers Chocolates Soda Shoppe
801 Government Street, Victoria
t 1 800 663 2220

Rogers Chocolates is an institution and should not be missed. And they've opened an ice cream shop across the street from the Empress ... so that's handy!
Victoria: Visiting the Animals