Check their website to find out when and what is happening before going. There may be limited things open at certain times of the day or week. What follows is what we managed to fit in about 4 hours.

First we strolled to the end of the pier; we bought postcards, listened to buskers, saw a pelican up close.

The Aquarium
By donation for adults [around $5 per person] and children are free. This small and well run aquarium is hosted by enthusiastic and informative volunteer staff that really know how to engage the kids. And me! I learned more in this little place in one visit than I ever have at our very own rather large Aquarium at home.

· The touch pool with volunteers pointing out interesting tidbits about the animals
· Feeding the star fish, fish heads and the sea urchin, kelp
· The wee octopus 'dancing' and changing colours
· The embryonic sharks almost ready to come out into the big world
· The sea hare! You really have to touch this guy.

We stopped at Bubba Gump Shrimp Company for lunch ... check out my post on kid-friendly eats in LA.
The Carousel
Simply beautiful, all wooden, carousel built in 1922. Spud went around and around.

In addition, there's a roller coaster, a solar powered ferris wheel, outdoor trapeze school, arcade, and all the other fun traps you would expect.